Consumer Reports Invites to Headquarters Briefing

Consumer Reports Best Buy DrugsConsumer Reports, a non-profit publication with 4 million subscribers, has been fighting for consumers since its founding in 1936. In one survey, the magazine was rated as the most trusted source of product information in America — beating out even “advice from a friend.” Consumer Reports has long advocated buying prescription drugs from Canada as a smart strategy for cost-conscious consumers.

Here’s the magazine’s advice:

You can often save 25 percent or more by using mail-order pharmacies. Buying brand-name medications from Canada can boost your mail-order savings, sometimes up to 50 percent. president Cary Byrd was among a select number of online healthcare authorities and journalists who were invited to a special briefing at Consumer Reports headquarters in Yonkers, New York. The goal was to share information about the latest trends in health-related online information and services. Among the event’s highlights, Byrd had the opportunity to speak with Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist and a member of the Consumer Reports board of directors, about providing prescription drugs over the Web.